Sheet Flow Construction Erosion Control

December 17, 2020

I-66 Highway Erosion

On this I-66 highway project, the main cause of the slope erosion and rills is clean runoff from the highway. I assume there were curbs along the road edge that at some point were removed. I would restore permanent or temporary curbs to direct clean water to catch basins.

I might leave the slopes uncovered. This would depend on what phase of construction this project is in. If it is in shutdown, I would cover with plastic ( I hate using plastic because it ends up in the landfill), or some type of erosion blanket. I might even consider spraying the slope with polyacrylamide and not covering it.

I do like how the area at the base of the slope is lower than the road to the left so it acts like a sediment pond. Rather than pump to a geotextile bag, I would set up a chitosan-enhanced sand filtration (CESF) treatment system, treat and discharge clean water to the catch basin. Or, if the state environmental agency allows, I would use a gel-floc passive treatment system instead.

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