Sheet Flow Construction Erosion Control

April 2, 2020

Muddy Puddle Inside the Project

Photo: David Jenkins

Is a muddy puddle a problem if it is completely contained inside the project boundary? Unless vehicles are driving through this and tracking mud outside of the project, I don’t consider it a problem and would only caution the contractor to watch out for trackout.

February 20, 2020

Just a Little Trackout

Video: David Jenkins

Just a little trackout over time becomes a water quality non-compliance issue.

August 20, 2019

Truck Being Loaded on Asphalt Keeps Tires Clean

If I’ve said it once, I must have said it 3 or 4 times: “Keep your tires clean!”. Who wants to use a tire wash and have to get rid of a whole lot of dirty water (process water) that can’t go down the storm drain? Save yourself some hassle and money. Give your employees a raise with the money you save.  Make sure your trucks are loaded when on asphalt.


Video: David Jenkins

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